Sunday, 13 October 2013

Wedding Dress Styles Mehndi For Men For Girls White Pictures For Boys Images Wallpapers Pics

Wedding Dress Styles Definition

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In ancient times, weddings were based out of commodity, rather than desire or love. In fact, the word "wedding" implies the security the groom's family provides to the family of the bride when the couple marries.[1] Additionally, brides were chosen based on their economic worth. The wedding had little to do with love. This trend lasted until the 19th Century, when couples started to marry for love.

During the 19th Century in America, weddings were usually small family gatherings at the home of either the parents of the bride or the parents of the groom. The ceremonies were intimate and not elaborate. The announcement of the newly married couple took place at their church on the Sunday following the wedding. Weddings did not become elaborate until the 1820s and 1830s, when upper class couples would have wedding ceremonies similar to what is common today. Brides usually wore the best dress she owned, so her dress was not always white, as white dresses were impractical to own. Not until the middle of the 19th century did brides start buying a dress made specifically for her wedding day. At the same time, couples began to hire professionals to prepare floral arrangements and wedding cakes, rather than making them at home.

Today, couples in the United States are waiting later in life to get married. The average age for males getting married in the United States is 27 years old, whereas, women's average age is 25.
The saying, "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a silver sixpense inside your shoe," dates back to the Victorian era and requires the bride to accessorize her wedding attire in certain ways to promote good luck in her new marriage. Many brides in the U.S. do this for fun. The "old" is supposed to represent the past, particularly the bond between the bride and her family. The bride might choose to wear a piece of jewelry from one of her elders, or another accessory given to her from an older relative. The "new" represents the couple getting married and their future together. Usually, the bride's wedding gown or wedding ring is used as a new item. "Something borrowed" is something that is taken from the families and meant to be returned. By borrowing something, the bride is continuing the link between herself and her family to maintain loyalty and future comfort. The borrowed item must come from a happily married woman in order to pass on marital happiness onto the new couple. "Something blue" represents the bride's faithfulness and loyalty. Easy ways to incorporate the color blue is for the bride to wear blue flowers in her hair or a blue garter. The silver sixpense is meant to be tucked into the bride's shoe and is supposed to bring the new couple wealth in money and love in their new life together.

Many brides today choose to wear white bridal dresses at their weddings. However, brides before the 19th century just wore the best dress they owned. It wasn't until the 1840s, when Queen Victoria popularized white bridal dresses by choosing to wear white instead of the traditional royal silver dress.

Brides often accompany their white wedding dresses with a veil. Sometimes seen as an accessory today, the veil has a history of symbolizing a bride's modesty and innocence, namely her virginity
Many brides have bridal showers before their wedding, during which she receives gifts from the guests. The bridal shower is usually thrown by the bride's chosen maid of honor and is humorous in nature.[8] Although it is often seen as a fun and relaxing time for the bride, it wasn't always seen that way. Bridal showers originated in Holland for brides who were refused dowry from their fathers. A woman's friends would give her several gifts to allow her to have the necessary dowry to marry whatever man she chose.

Many couples will make precautions so that they will not be able to see each other before their wedding ceremony. Today, this is done merely to uphold tradition and superstition, but the idea stems from the early days when marriages were arranged. In these cases, the bride and groom would meet each other for the first time at their own wedding.

Wedding Dress Styles Mehndi For Men For Girls White Pictures For Boys Images Wallpapers Pics

Wedding Dress Styles Mehndi For Men For Girls White Pictures For Boys Images Wallpapers Pics

Wedding Dress Styles Mehndi For Men For Girls White Pictures For Boys Images Wallpapers Pics

Wedding Dress Styles Mehndi For Men For Girls White Pictures For Boys Images Wallpapers Pics

Wedding Dress Styles Mehndi For Men For Girls White Pictures For Boys Images Wallpapers Pics

Wedding Dress Styles Mehndi For Men For Girls White Pictures For Boys Images Wallpapers Pics

Wedding Dress Styles Mehndi For Men For Girls White Pictures For Boys Images Wallpapers Pics

Wedding Dress Styles Mehndi For Men For Girls White Pictures For Boys Images Wallpapers Pics

Wedding Dress Styles Mehndi For Men For Girls White Pictures For Boys Images Wallpapers Pics

Wedding Dress Styles Mehndi For Men For Girls White Pictures For Boys Images Wallpapers Pics

Wedding Dress Styles Mehndi For Men For Girls White Pictures For Boys Images Wallpapers Pics

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